A Brief History of Santa

Featured image: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ghost_of_Christmas_Present_John_Leech_1843.jpg

‘Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la, la la la la

Once again, Christmas is upon us but have you ever wondered who Father Christmas really is?

This lesson, aimed at older teenagers, intermediate and above, gives some insight into the real Santa!

There are two worksheets to choose from. Worksheet A, presents a higher challenge while Worksheet B provided more scaffolding.

Learners fill out a KWL grid before watching a video clip about the history of Santa and answering some comprehension questions. Do get your learners mingling to share their thoughts and opinions, there should be plenty of opportunity for peer collaboration!

Download the worksheets and answers here: A Brief History of Santa

Do you need a few more festive filler activities? Look no further than here: The Twelve Days of Christmas


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